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Breakthrough Nexus: Empowering Communities

Breakthrough Nexus CIC is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that aims to foster social inclusion and economic empowerment by offering innovative programs and initiatives tailored to diverse community needs. Our mission is to bridge the gap between education and employment, equal access and opportunities for all, including marginalized groups. We prioritize social impact over profit, aiming to address systemic inequalities and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Through collaboration with communities, we believe in unlocking the potential of every individual to thrive and contribute positively to society. 

About Us

Breakthrough Nexus CIC, provides   equal access and opportunities for  marginalized groups like homeless individuals, disabled individuals, refugees, single parents, individuals struggling with substance abuse, LGBTQ individuals, seniors, and those from low-income backgrounds, individuals affected by domestic abuse, incarceration, and barriers to employment. By offering comprehensive support, fostering personal development, and promoting social inclusion, we believe in unlocking the potential of every individual to thrive and contribute positively to society.

We prioritize social impact over profit, aiming to address systemic inequalities and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Through collaboration with community organizations and government agencies, we leverage technology and strategic partnerships to develop scalable solutions that meet evolving community needs. Our programs encompass a wide range of activities, including entrepreneurship support, arts and culture initiatives, senior socialization, job placement services, employment training, career counselling, workshops, and substance abuse prevention campaigns.

Additionally, we support intergenerational connections, youth leadership, female entrepreneurs, promoting creative expression, promoting accessible recreation, promoting financial literacy, promoting environmental sustainability, addressing digital divide, mitigating brain drain, fostering civic engagement, addressing social challenges, building social capital, stimulating economic growth, facilitating cross-cultural exchange, and breaking down barriers. By promoting intergenerational connections, we facilitate meaningful interactions and knowledge sharing across different age groups, fostering social cohesion. Through youth leadership programs, we empower young people to become agents of positive change, fostering leadership skills and civic engagement. Our initiatives also provide tailored support for female entrepreneurs, promoting gender equality and economic empowerment. Moreover, we create platforms for creative expression and cultural exchange, enriching the community's cultural landscape and promoting diversity.

Furthermore, our efforts in promoting accessible recreation, financial literacy, and environmental sustainability contribute to a more inclusive and resilient community. We address the digital divide by offering digital literacy training and access to technology, ensuring everyone can participate in the digital economy. Additionally, our programs mitigate brain drain by providing educational and professional development opportunities locally, retaining valuable talent within the community. Through fostering civic engagement and addressing social challenges, we empower individuals to become active participants in community development, leading to a more cohesive and vibrant society.

Moreover, our initiatives build social capital by fostering collaboration and networking, strengthening social ties within the community. By stimulating economic growth and facilitating cross-cultural exchange, we promote prosperity and understanding among community members from diverse backgrounds. We break down barriers to participation by providing financial assistance, accommodations, and support services, ensuring equitable access to opportunities for all individuals. Through these comprehensive efforts, we demonstrate our commitment to meeting the funding criteria and maximizing the positive impact of our initiatives on the community.

Our Services


Transforming Lives, Empowering Communities

Intergenerational Connection

We facilitate meaningful interaction between different age groups through intergenerational programs and initiatives.

Financial  Literacy 
Our financial education workshops and programs empower individuals to make informed financial decisions and build financial resilience.

Homelessness Assistance

Accessible Recreation and Environmental Sustainability Initiatives 

Promoting inclusivity and resilience within the community.

Digital Literacy Training and Mitigating Brain Drain 

Addressing the digital divide and retaining valuable talent within the community.

Civic Engagement and Social Capital Building 

Empowering individuals to become active participants in community development.

Intergenerational Connection  

We facilitate meaningful interaction between different age groups through intergenerational programs and initiatives.

Creative Expression 


Our arts programs provide platforms for artistic expression, cultural exchange, and creativity within the community.

Accessible Recreation 


 Our advocacy efforts and inclusive design standards ensure that individuals of all abilities can enjoy recreational activities and social participation.

Single Parents 


 We offer practical assistance, guidance, and resources to single parents, promoting family stability and well-being.


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Opening Hours

314 Midsummer Boulevard, Midsummer Court, Milton Keynes MK9 2UB 

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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9:00 am – 12:00 pm



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